One-On-One LessonsThis type of tutoring gives the student the teacher's undivided attention. They receive a customized curriculum and individualized instructions so that they can quickly improve. They will also find the learning environment less intimidating to those with many students and are able to ask more questions that focus on their needs. This program is developed to reinforce the student's strengths and also attend to their weaknesses. Small Group Tutoring Learning in Small groups is very beneficial for students. This type of tutoring allows students to get more specialized attention and help from the teachers that treat their individual needs. The group can share ideas and points of view. Also, in a small group, students can express their personality and individuality. Tuition: One-on-one lesson: $60/hour 2-3 students :$35/hour/student. 4-6 students: $30/hour/student Each session includes 10 lessons. Students have an opportunity to have a trail lesson before sending out the full payment. Available Payment Methods: Check, Zelle or Venmo · Check – Please mail your check to: MJCLC at 2578 42nd Avenue, San Francisco, CA 94116. Please include your child’s name and school on the check. · Zelle – Please pay account [email protected]. Please include your child’s name and school in Notes box. . Venmo– Please pay account [email protected]. Please include your child’s name and school in Notes box and Select “Send to a Friend” or otherwise, we will have to pass on the fee to you.